Jenis Pekerjaan
- Kerani Am
- Pemandu
- Juru Jual
- Pembantu Rumah
- Pekerja Am
- Kerani Akaun
- Juruteknik
- Penyelia
- Pelayan Restoran
- Juruwang
- Pencuci
- Mekanik
- Tukang Masak
- Event Promosi
- Pekerja Sambilan
About Us
Agensi Pekerjaan HY is an employment agency that was granted an employment agency licence by the Ministry of Human Resources vide licence No. JTR 786 . We played a major role as the link between employers and jobseekers in the Klang Valley. With more than 10 year experience in providing labour supply, we pride ourself as a pioneer in the labour recruitment in Klang Valley